Since 1/03/2024, the webshop is (temporarily) closed!


By signing up or surfing on the website of Fundido Chocolatier, the visitor accepts the provisions of the present disclaimer. The provisions of the current disclaimer can be modified at all times, in whole or in part. The modification enters into force on the date on which it is placed on the website.



www.fundido.be is a site belonging to WARNEZ Britt, a natural person, named hereafter Fundido Chocolatier. The website is managed by WARNEZ Britt, owner of the website. 

www.fundido.be is a website on which the commercial activities of Fundido Chocolatier are displayed. If you have any questions about our Disclaimer, you can send them by e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

This website is hosted by Elementor Ltd., whose registered seat is located in Thobal 40, 5252247 Ramat Gan, Israel.



The information on our website aims to:

  • present and promote the activities and services of Fundido Chocolatier: the sale of artisanal chocolate through our webshop, in addition to chocolate tastings and business opportunities that can be booked/ordered via e-mail;
  • get in touch with Fundido Chocolatier;
  • commercialise Bean-to-Bar chocolate and enable the online purchase thereof. On these purchases, the general sales conditions of Fundido Chocolatier apply.
  • notify our customers about events or collaborations;
  • educate on sustainable (chocolate) consumption.


The website www.fundido.be was developed with the utmost care. Fundido Chocolatier does everything it can to keep all information on the website accurate and up to date. However, the information it contains is subject to change. It is thus up to the visitors of the website to check the information supplied on it through other means by contacting us. 

The website is protected by all reasonable and possible means to prevent as much as possible any inconvenience due to technical errors. However, we cannot guarantee that the website will always be free from interruptions, viruses, technical issues or other computer crime. Fundido Chocolatier cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the consultation or the use of the website and the content it contains.

We reserve the right to remove reviews that we consider disrespectful, offensive, derogatory or spam.



www.fundido.be contains hyperlinks to websites of third parties or social networks over which we can exert no authority or control (nor technically nor substantively). Fundido Chocolatier cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the consultation or the use of these websites and their content. Moreover, the use of this site by websites of third parties is not allowed without our prior written consent, which can be requested by e-mail at the following address: [email protected].


Fundido Chocolatier uses cookies to facilitate surfing and make it more reliable. Some of these cookies are essential for the operation of the website, others are used to improve the visitor’s experience. For more information about these cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.



The content and construction of this website are the property of WARNEZ Britt (Fundido Chocolatier). Fundido Chocolatier does not grant the visitor the authorization to reproduce and share, in any way, the elements present on the website. 

www.fundido.be can also contain elements that belong, in whole or in part, to third parties. For the use of elements that belong to third parties, a prior request for use should be submitted at Fundido Chocolatier, to the e-mail address [email protected]. Fundido Chocolatier will then send a request to the third party involved, who is free to accept or refuse the use and request the possible payment of royalties. Moreover, Fundido Chocolatier is, in case of use by the visitor of elements that belong to third parties, in no way liable for the use that was made of it. Only the visitor possibly owes royalties in favour of the requesting third party. 

If the visitor thinks that one or more elements on the website are inconsistent with his own intellectual property claims, he will be asked to contact Fundido Chocolatier through [email protected] and explain the dispute meticulously. Contact with the visitor will be taken as soon as possible to settle the dispute. 



Fundido Chocolatier collects personal data. Please consult our Privacy Policy for more information. 



In case of a dispute, only the Belgian law shall apply and only the courts of the judicial district of the registered office of Fundido Chocolatier are competent. 



If you have any questions about the content of our website, please send them to [email protected].